How Does Having The Right Family Law Attorney Help Ensure The Best Outcome?

Having the right family law attorney is absolutely key in the divorce process. Just because an attorney is very experienced and competent doesn’t mean they are the right fit for every client; clients need to feel comfortable talking to their attorney and be comfortable with their attorney’s personality. The client will be spending several hours of their time with their attorney, so they should feel respected and heard by their attorney. This does not mean their attorney will necessarily agree with everything they say, but rather their attorney will confidently guide them through the process and protect their best interests.

In addition to feeling as though the attorney is a good fit, a client should be confident in the attorney’s knowledge regarding divorce and family law. Regardless of how much a client enjoys an attorney’s personality, it would be unwise to choose one who only handles a divorce case every couple of years. If an attorney is just dabbling in family law and has not done much of it, that’s definitely not the attorney a client should choose for their divorce case. This area of the law is very fact-specific and can’t be learned by just reading a book or the statutes online. If an attorney cannot advise the client on what may happen in their case or is advancing positions that have no basis in law and fact, then the client can expect to be unprepared in court and ultimately disappointed.

My firm is set apart not only by having many years of experience but by spending the time to give personal attention to each and every client. The outcome for our clients is of the utmost importance. There are attorneys who will encourage a client to continue with their case until the retainer or the client’s money runs out; this is definitely not the type of attorney someone wants to have. We pride ourselves on helping people with the big decisions and considering the cost-benefit analysis of various options and arguments. We always factor in the cost of attorney fees when evaluating and making settlement proposals. It is not our goal to make the highest dollar amount on every case; it is our goal to obtain the best outcome for our clients. A lot of attorneys don’t even recognize that there is a stress cost involved with these cases, but we recognize that very much. This is something we communicate to clients, always being sure to see whether proceeding with a case for a better settlement is worth the stress it will create.

More than anything, attorneys are notorious for being unresponsive and not returning calls from their clients. Our clients can always find us; there is never an issue with that. When clients call, they don’t get put on a list of 30 other clients who will receive a callback days later if ever; they get scheduled for a time when we’re both available to talk so that we make sure to actually touch base. There is never going to be a time when our clients go days without being able to get in touch. In addition, clients are not going to be pawned off on assistants, although our assistants are great and they’re there for clients too. The point is that if a client needs to speak to me, they will be able to speak to me.

Is There Anything Else That You Wish To Point Out Here?

I have my Juris Doctor degree from the University of San Diego, my LLM in International Taxation, and I teach online law courses, including those in family law and tax. I have published family law articles, I’m active in providing volunteer attorney representation volunteer lawyer programs, and I serve as a board member for a local non-profit assisting people who have issues accessing justice.

For more information on the Importance Of A NY Family Law Attorney, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (585) 449-4987 today.